Firstly, ‘Nothing about Dartmoor’ but nevertheless local to Devon.
Something instead about what helps put the ‘GREAT’ into Great Torrington in North Devon; The Great Torrington Cavaliers – and their passion for building spectacular charity bonfires.
Last night saw the culmination of two years voluntary work go up in towering plumes of smoke – and FIRE. Beneath one of the best firework displays I have ever seen – the Great Torrington Cavaliers finally set-ablaze their make-believe town of Trumpton – to raise an epic amount of money for the Macmillan Cancer Trust – and the Plough Arts Centre in Great Torrington.
Wow! What a wonder-ful way to end the school summer hoilday season with a BANG!
Set to a medley of themes from all the most memorable children’s TV shows from the 1960’s and 70’s – a syncopated fireworks display enthralled the thousands that had paid to come and witness this unmissable event. Hats off to the Great Torrington Cavaliers – you have pulled-it-off once again!