A bird in the bush!

Squab in the 'Alberic Barbier'.

‘Squab’ – fledged Wood Pigeon chick sheltering in the ‘Alberic Barbier’ rose bush.

Yesterday -15th July 2016 – there was quite a commotion going on outside my french door – in the area of my roofless bird table; two well-fed Wood Pigeons were at it again!  When I say ‘at it’ – I’m not sure whether they were mating or fighting – or both – whatever they were up to though – they are certainly powerful, muscular birds; no gentle doves!  While feathers flew – the smaller birds that regularly visit and ‘clean up’ made the most of the opportunity to have the table to themselves – the wood pigeons are definitely at the top of the pecking order when it comes to who feeds first, for starters, they’re bigger and fill the space just with their physical presence.

Wood Pigeon filling my roofless bird table - time and the elements - and a 'Squirrel' are responsible for its state of dilapidation.

Wood Pigeon filling my roofless bird table.  Time and the elements – and a flying ‘Squirrel’ are responsible for the state of dilapidation.

They are impressive birds especially when they are puffing their chests and strutting their stuff along the top of the fence. The colour of their plumage is just so lovely – mushroom-grey, dusky-pink with a flash of white here and there – and when the light plays on them – they boast a beautiful shimmer of green and mauve iridescence around their necks.  Indeed, their overall colourway coupled with their impressive size and posturing – remind me of the muted tones of a period drawing-room – I really do think they are much too beautiful to render into pie!

Hello handsome!

‘ello me ansome!

Imagine my absolute joy yesterday evening – when I spied the upshot of a previous ‘altercation’ roosting in the thorny ‘Alberic Barbier’ rose bush that rambles the length of the iron railings at the front of our house.  There safely perched behind a screen of competing Convolvulus was a beautiful but gawky Wood Pigeon Squab.

A Squab in the bush!

A Squab in the bush!

As safe as houses in the Alberic Barbier.

As safe as houses inside the protective Alberic Barbier.

Today – Saturday 16th July 2016 – I’m pleased to report that ‘Squab’ has found his wings – and this morning was seen cleverly sitting high-up in the world, in the branches of Mother Elder – in the corner of the garden.  Just behind ‘Squab’ – Mum or Dad was close at wing!Wood Pidgeon Squab in Mother Elder - Something about Dartmoor

Mother Elder's protection.

Our garden’s boundary – protective spiked railings and Mother Elder.

This afternoon – they have moved around the garden – one of the parent birds is perched in Dad’s Mulberry tree while ‘little’ Squab is sitting in the ‘Alberic Barbier’ close-by – planted by my Mum many years ago. The Mulberry and the Rose were planted in the garden when I was not much more than a squab myself – they are long-established over several decades.   Wood Pigeon and Squab in the Mulberry bush - Something about Dartmoor

How wonderful that the trees and shrubs that my parents laid down – are today a refuge to another family.  Long may generations – whether human or feathered – enjoy the auspices of all our garden – long-after the roofless bird table and I are gone to dust.

Love birds on gravestone. Something about Dartmoor

Rare lovey-dovey moment. Wood Pidgeons atop a headstone in our village churchyard – a slightly out of focus shot but I didn’t want to disturb their courtship.


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