Such a delight to spot a Ladybird moving out the corner of my eye tonight – rather than the usual ‘dark shadows’ that leg it across the floor at this time of year! I’ve captured (and released) several using the ‘glass and piece of card method’ but there’s one that got away and is at LARGE, hence I’m sitting here at past midnight with my feet up on the table’s stretcher…
Ladybirds were a common sight when I was young but I haven’t seen one for years; let alone have the pleasure of holding one like I have tonight. I don’t know how Mrs. Ladybird found her way in to my inner sanctum – but I have a fancy she must have hitched a ride in on a bundle of sticks I brought back from my walk earlier? Anyway, after a nice arm tickle – I released her out into the garden.
Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home…