It’s New Year’s Eve and time I fetched in a preloved copy of ‘Sister Wendy On Prayer’ that’s been resting a while on the rear-window shelf of my car. It’s been ‘in transit’ since early December when I purchased it from a charity shop. I don’t know why I’ve driven here and there – and to and from work with ‘Sister Wendy’ still in the back seat so to speak – but I feel now is the time to bring the book indoors and search for the meaning between its covers; I see it as a gift, heaven-sent.
Sister Wendy’s enthralling on-screen presence helped inspire my art collecting habit in no small way. Other TV art critics can’t hold a candle to Sister Wendy because she was a natural-born communicator – a one-off! Considering her devotional life path – it is no small miracle that she even entered our rooms, our lives – our hearts. In my house, her benefaction can be seen in the pictures that cover my walls; I can’t imagine life without looking at art everyday. Above – pastel of a Nun – in an ‘Oxford’ frame.
‘Long time, no see!’ I exclaimed quietly – as I removed ‘Sister Wendy On Prayer’ from the bookshelf and held the front cover tight to my chest. Bought Friday, 7th December 2018. To me – the title, ‘Sister Wendy On Prayer’ manifests as a sort of anagram of ‘serendipity’.