Due to my swapping today for working last Saturday – the 2nd January 2019 marked my last day of the Christmas holiday. I’d half-planned a trip to Oxford, to the Ashmolean today – to see the ‘Spellbound’ exhibition before it closes on the 6th of January; I didn’t go! Instead, I listened to the voice in my head that kept on telling me, “Why bother to go all that way – when there’s magic all around you…” Knowing me like I do – I probably would have found some of the objects on display unsettling – so I’m glad I took heed of myself. The most spellbinding reason for me to return to the Ashmolean one day – is to see ‘Ashmole’s Horns’ again – now that they are back on public display in the founding ‘Tradescant’ collection. The last time I saw them – they were in the conservation laboratory awaiting attention. In the confines of the Ashmolean – I don’t think I could ever top that experience in terms of Magic.
Following a tip-off from my sister yesterday – I watched some more ‘telly’ on the BBC iPlayer today – ‘Judy Dench: My Passion For Trees.’
My sister was right. It was a most beautiful hour spent, profoundly better than unnecessary rushing about; ‘Ashmole’s Horns’ WILL wait!
Inspired by Dame Judi’s passion – I ventured out in the late afternoon – for a long walk, passing by ‘Shedland’ – my ‘own’ arboreal patch. No sooner had I climbed over the ‘silver’ gate – I saw a beautiful, huge, full-antlered Red Deer stag – who saw me too. I didn’t dare move – for fear of frightening him away; he was so beautiful, so impressive – magical beyond words.

He’s on the left – just right of the naked tree. It’s not much of a shot to anyone other than me – as only I can feel the energy between us. It’s the only kind of magic I know about – or want to know about. For me magic is an elemental thing.
bravo Melanie! My visit to the Bod is postponed, so any chance of a chance encounter has receded. Your pic of the distant Deer is inspiring. Wonderful that such creatures still roam wild in part of the Isle. Much love…
…just as a Great Stag breaks cover every now and then, so you’re bound to visit YOUR stomping ground in the not too distant future dear Christopher – so maybe I’ll catch you the next time you visit the Bodleian for some purposeful roaming… lotsa love + gggggrrrrrkkkk, Melanie X