Just as long as there’s one of us still here —— the ‘Bonnet Portrait’ of Emily Brontë WILL live to fight another day. . .
Professor Christopher Heywood ‘Yaffle’ —— 2nd. July 1928 —— 18th. February 2021.
🕯. . .
The ‘Bonnet Portrait’ painted by listed artist, William Warman —— who flourished at the time the Brontës were living. Sadly, this latest ‘Bonnet’ development came to light too late to share with Christopher —— but I will be sharing more about it here shortly. . .
There is a light that never goes out… a great loss, my sincere condolences to a very fine gentleman, his spirit lives on. Rest in Peace.
Thank you Dear kind John. X.
I’ll never forget The Prof. or his belief in the ‘Bonnet Portrait’ of Emily Brontë. And whenever I hear a woodpecker in the woods which is most days when I’m out on my walks I shall immediately think ‘Yaffle’ and
Oh, so sad, and we were only just talking about him…x
We were. Sigh. X
Christopher’s belief in the ‘Bonnet Portrait’ is utterly undiminishable, I know it.
Now you have supporters in both dimensions…Yaffle in the ether and me here xxxx
Yes! Thee and me dear friend, and Yaffle in the ether; Thank you. XXXX