‘Bonnet, Cloak and Daguerrotype!’ —— because the sitter’s name ‘E M I L Y’ —— is enfolded in her cloak. . .
En route to unfolding the Truth about ‘E M I L Y’ —— I recently came across a carte de visite (CDV) of three instantly recognisable Victorian women —— who could easily be mistaken for ‘The Brontë Sisters’ of Haworth——unless that is one knows better. . .
CDV’s weren’t invented until the year before Charlotte Brontë died; the carte de visite photographic format was patented by André Disdéri in 1854.
For the record, Emily Brontë died in 1848, Anne Brontë in 1849 —— and Charlotte in 1855; the carte de visite in question is circa 1860 to 1867. The photographer was W. G. Smith of 11, Upper Prospect Place, Southampton. . .
11, Upper Prospect Place, Southampton——was the studio address of W. G. Smith until 1867 at the latest; as ‘Cardomania’ wasn’t widely popular in Britain until the late 1850’s —— I’d confidently date this CDV of three ‘nameless’ Victorian women to the 1860’s. . .
A plain card with no text on the front plus its square-shaped corners (as opposed to rounded corners) —— are all indicative of an early carte de visite.

It’s all in the detail; note the highlighted areas in purple that feature the same moulding in the background.
And just so that I could believe my own eyes! —— I did a double-take of the three women to be sure I had recognised their faces correctly. . .
I propose they are the same three women, in the exact same order —— as those posing as the ‘Brontë Sisters’ in the well-known ‘Daguerreotype’. For anyone reading this post who isn’t familiar with the ‘Brontë Sisters’ Daguerreotype —— it can be viewed and read about in great detail here: https://brontesisters.co.uk. . .
As ever, my findings are dedicated to the memory of Professor Christopher Heywood and ‘his’ beloved ‘Bonnet Portrait’ of Emily. . .
Meanwhile, Charlotte’s ‘lost’ portrait of Emily——promises to stop at nothing because it IS genuine.
And whilst ‘E M I L Y’ quietly continues to bide her time —— my hunt for clues (and apparently other ‘Bonnet Portraits’ I didn’t know I was looking for!) goes on. . .
Undeniably the same women!! The unstoppable research grows stronger and stronger…a journey I am very much enjoying!! x
Even the way, the stance of the woman posing as Emily is identical in both ‘daguerreotype’ and CDV – it’s so obvious they are the same three women in both photographs. At least we don’t go around with wool pulled over our own eyes!!! X