Just some of the wonderful wild things I’ve been lucky enough to see on my walks since the start of July and we’re only three days in! A delicate ‘Light Emerald’ with a tattered wing –and a ‘Peppered Moth’ –
both in Ravens’ Haven, Dartmoor.
A pair of Red Deer grazing near home – From a distance – one of the pair looked to be sporting a killer pair of new antlers – I believe it is known as a Pricket – a male deer in its second year before its antlers branch. The rutting season will soon be here – how fast this year has flown – it only seems like yesterday since I found my sheds.
In ‘Shedland’ I found another impressive ‘Stinkhorn’ – slightly greener around the gills and noticeably more whiffy than my first!
And a female Roe Deer –Perhaps her fawn was hiding in the long grass because she didn’t move from this spot even though she was aware of my presence – I think she was standing watch over a brown speckled cushion of loveliness! I let them be and moved on.
Best find of all though – a Dartmoor Raven’s primary wing feather measuring 38cms long. I have a collection of seven already but this one supersedes all the others by about 2cms. Wow! A record breaker!