The ‘Lost’ Portrait of Emily Bronte: ‘As The Spider in the Rose Petals.’

As the white Rose enfolds this tiny spider in its petals…so Charlotte’s bold lines hide their secrets also…

…in the form of hundreds of tiny micro-script characters concealed in Charlotte’s portrait of her sister, Emily. Micro-script detail from an infrared image courtesy of Jevon Thistlewood – Ashmolean – Oxford.

Something that both Branwell and Emily did too…to enlarge image in another window – just click on the image. Notice the gaps between ‘5 2 5’ ringed above ‘B’ for Branwell. Which proves that Branwell’s bold lines are not continuous lines but actual individual micro script characters——as in tiny numbers. Detail from a drawing by Branwell Brontë in the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

Detail from a drawing by Branwell Brontë in the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

Realise also – that the micro-script in Charlotte’s, Branwell’s and Emily’s drawings is infinitesimally small – so would need high magnification – and high-resolution images – in order to view what’s been hidden from normal sight for well-over a century. Some numbers in the art of the Brontës are obvious though——just can’t believe the experts haven’t spotted them yet after all this time——the last surviving Brontë – Patrick Brontë, died 7th June 1861. Especially too – as the National Portrait Gallery has two of Branwell’s paintings including the famous ‘Pillar Portrait’ – their lack of perception in this matter defies belief!   

Alas, unless ‘Clement Shorter’s Supporters’ – who unfairly label the ‘Bonnet Portrait’ in all its versions as ‘fake’ (without any proof) – open their eyes——and minds – to the wonders that are hidden in the art of the Brontës – hundreds and hundreds of hidden micro-script characters in the form of numbers – the ‘lost’ portrait of Emily Brontë by Charlotte will remain LOST – but in their unseeing eyes only. I’m not the only person who sees numbers in the art of the Brontës – so CLEARLY and DEFINITELY not imagination. 

Just as the tiny spider hides in the petals of a white rose in my garden – so ‘hundreds and hundreds’ – nay thousands – of numbers are THERE in the art of the Brontës.

IF only the experts could be persuaded to look beyond what only readily meets their eyes – they too would see Charlotte’s – Branwell’s – and Emily’s ‘Secret World of Numbers’ – that’s been there right under their noses the whole time——in the artworks in their own collections; in the Brontë Parsonage Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. Anne also probably joined in the ‘Art of Numbers’ but without access to high-resolution images of the Brontës artworks it is not possible to be certain – as I am with the three other Brontë siblings. 

The Brontës would definitely have perceived the tiny spider in the white rose——in a metaphorical sense that is. Indeed, Charlotte would probably have painted my white rose and then disguised a row of numbers – as veins, like in her watercolour of pink Wild Roses…

Colour Plate in ‘The art of the Brontës’ – Christine Alexander and Jane Sellars. listed as – Charlotte’s ‘Wild Roses from Nature’.

Meanwhile, like the tiny spider in the white rose – the hidden numbers in the art of the Brontës pass largely ‘unseen’.

‘A Yorkshire Rose’ detail from the ‘lost’ portrait of Emily Brontë by her sister, Charlotte.

One of many white ‘Alberic Barbier’ roses blooming in my garden NOW…

I just happened to notice this One as I went to pass-by it on my way back indoors after a late-evening ramble – hence yesterday – 18th May 2019…I stopped.

I determined to photograph it in daylight hours too – and there to my complete amazement – was a tiny spider.  I have a fancy that the Brontës come in all shapes and forms…

I think I’ll call this tiny messenger ‘Charlotte’.


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